There’s Still Time!

Fourth quarter update Tenita Johnson

It’s October! The weather is already starting to change as we transition into fall. If you’re like me, you’re enjoying pumpkin spiced lattes from your local Starbucks. I can hardly believe how quickly time has seemed to pass us by. It feels like yesterday when 2018 was just getting started, and here we are about to close out another year.

The Power of Self-Reflection

Before, I get too far ahead of myself, I have a challenge for you all. Take some time right now and reflect. Reflect on all the times you have had a challenge, big or small, that it seemed that you just could not get through. Make a list. Then, reflect on what steps you took to get through those challenges. Recall how it felt when you realized you had moved past it, and add those feelings to the list.

Define and Concur Challenges

Now, I want you to write out your current challenges, as well as the goals or dreams that you are working toward. See, if you can take what you have learned from those past challenges, and apply them to what you are either facing now, you’ll be able to move forward in faith. Finally, stick this list somewhere you can see daily so that you can remember what you have achieved. Hopefully, that will motivate you to stand in the face of fear and overcome the challenges that you are facing today! You can finish this year out strong! There’s still time for destiny and dream fulfillment.

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