Before you know it, 2016 will be over. We’ve planned. We created vision boards. We attended conferences. We made money, and spent even more money. But as we prepare to enter the fourth quarter, it’s key that we review and revamp our goals to maximize our intended success in the last three months.
Review your vision boards and your annual to-do lists. What can you check off? While some things may be nearing completion, others may still be just a thought on a list in a notebook. Be realistic. If you can complete it before December 31, 2016, keep it on the list. But create an even smaller list to outline the tasks to complete the big goal in time. If you can’t realistically complete it within the next 90 days, consider putting it on the top of your list or vision board for 2017.
Revamp your goals that may seem too far off to ever become true. The thought of writing a book may seem monumental at the moment. But if you set a goal of having a chapter done per week, then the goal doesn’t seem as monumental. Be strategic about your time. Schedule appointments with yourself (and your goals). Shut down social media and silence your cell phone.
You’ve got a little over 90 days to make it happen! It’s fourth quarter and the game depends on you. Get your head in the game, and win!